At Spiideo, we want to make sure that every useful moment can be captured. After all, more footage available means more evidence to base your decisions on. To ensure that you, your coaching staff, and your athletes are getting the most out of Spiideo, we have made Mobile Virtual Panorama available to all Spiideo Perform customers at no extra cost.
Following just four simple steps, your device will be ready to capture using Mobile Virtual Panorama:
1. Log in to your Spiideo Perform account via the Spiideo Perform mobile app and select the ‘Enable Remote Camera’ option.
2. Log in on a second control device and select ‘Start new recording’.
3. Hit ‘Select scene’ and choose the field type that best matches the field of play that you intend to record. Alternatively, enter your own dimensions.
4. Set the boundaries of your field and set the system to calibrate.
After a short wait, the system will have calibrated the device, and your smartphone or tablet will be a fully functioning Spiideo camera, ready to capture and free up hours of storage on your device that would otherwise be spent filming footage by hand. With footage uploaded automatically and accessible almost instantly via Spiideo Perform, there is no time wasted transfering, sorting, and sharing large, inconvenient files.