Brentford FC selects Spiideo for video analysis – this is why!
Brentford Football Club is a professional UK football club based in London, England. The club now uses Spiideo at both the home stadium, Griffin Park and on the training ground. When Brentford FC began looking for a system to upgrade their capabilities for advanced football video recording and analysis, they went through a lot of effort in researching the best and most suitable solution.
Luke Stopforth, Head of Performance Analysis at Brentford FC, had been researching camera systems for a period of 18-24 months before deciding on the Spiideo system. The club wanted full integration across both their training ground and stadium and Spiideo was found to be the best solution for the best price.
We particularly liked the functionality of being able to zoom in and out and change the camera angle with ease. The storage and remote access to the footage in both live and post-match settings are also very impressive.

As the process of choosing a camera system is quite challenging, Brentford FC and its analyst team focused on areas that were crucial to them, like the recording process. Luke and his team wanted cameras that don’t require set-up time and are not manually handled. The only thing the team has to do now is hit the record button and everything on the pitch will be captured.
As an estimate, the Spiideo system has probably given us back around 10-12 hours per week. With the coaching staff also having access to the system, they no longer need to come to us asking for the footage. They can log directly into their own accounts and see the footage immediately.
Brentford FC is not only saving time and effort with Spiideo but they feel that they are also simplifying their workflow. Access to Spiideo gives the coaches the ability to instantaneously change the view to different angles allowing them to review different aspects of performance. Luke says this is a substantial upgrade as previously coaches had to review all the footage from a single wide-angle view.
We were also interested in a system that allowed the coaches to review the footage remotely and were impressed with the way Spiideo handled this in both their web and app platforms.

The Spiideo Virtual Panorama technology provides both an overview of the entire field, as well as details of individual players captured in the same recording. This then integrates with data and statistics, performance analysis, collaboration and communication all in the same experience. Since the Spiideo setup is very scalable it is suitable both for small clubs with limited resources, as well as larger setups with full-scale Spiideo systems as in the case of Brentford.
Spiideo solutions for match and training are increasingly used and trusted by clubs all over the world, read more here!