NEC Nijmegen turns to Spiideo for automated video analysis
For training and matches, we now have the whole lot: movements, data, and every angle possible for the first team and academy. All in real time. It seemed too good to be true. This August, we rolled out the Spiideo system to five pitches in anticipation of the start of the league.
After some weeks being operational, we are still stunned. Reality has surpassed the dream we had after the introduction.
It’s beyond great. It’s fantastic. From images to data. So easy to work with. At the trainings and at the academy, we don’t need camera-operators anymore. It’s all automatic. It works stunningly smooth for matches and after-game analysis.
Most importantly is that it's not just the analysts who are over the moon, but the coaches as well.
We thought we bought ourselves a decent product for a reasonable prize, but we have never expected to find this type of value for money.