Automated video capture for your sports program
A single automated video solution for both broadcast and video analysis.
Equip your school’s teams with the ability to live stream to fans, parents and alumni – along with the analysis tools to improve performance and develop talent all from a single system.
Record, view and share games live, across several teams, an entire league or a conference, with no effort.
A complete solution for any NCAA Athletic Department or Conference
Watch the video above to get insight into how schools from DI to JUCO are harnessing the power of automated capture, analysis, data, and streaming.
Spiideo Camera Systems automatically capture the entire playing surface through Virtual Panorama technology.
Coaches and players can pan, tilt, zoom, or use AutoFollow to look at any scenario, from any device. Powerful video analysis tools help teams to hone their tactics in a granular way.
Schedule games in < 1 minute
Share the action to the fans
Enhance your streams
Earn revenue through automated live streams
Utilizing Spiideo League Exchange, 24 US universities effortlessly share game footage to support tactical and opposition analysis, aid player development, and improve the quality of play throughout their sports leagues.
Learn how the SEC & Big 12 share video across their soccer teams.