Gothia Cup: automatic production for the world’s largest youth tournament
With 4,500 matches held, broadcasting to players’ friends and family around the globe would require vast human resources, making it near to impossible to achieve without an automated solution.
The Gothia Cup’s organizers turned to Spiideo’s live streaming platform and camera systems. Through 43 Spiideo camera systems – including the world’s most advanced mobile automated camera, the Portable SmartCam – more than 2,000 games were broadcast live to over 177,000 viewers throughout the week-long event. Without a single camera operator present.
With AutoFollow tracking the action and footage instantly, streaming matches required little more from the organizers than mounting the cameras and scheduling the events.
Watch the video below, where tournament director Niclas Freiholtz shares his thoughts on broadcasting the Gothia Cup with alongside Spiideo:
Learn more about the Gothia Cup’s Spiideo implementation in the video below:
Spiideo’s dual-purpose camera system has not only benefited those at home, but also those out on the pitch. Throughout the tournament, organizers provided three age categories with access to Spiideo Perform, Spiideo’s powerful video analysis software, enabling players to watch back their performance and coaches to deliver game-changing feedback in real-time on the touchline.