Custom Area Autofollow

Spiideo has developed Custom Area AutoFollow, which enables coaches to focus Spiideo’s game-tracking technology on specific areas of the training field. Using this new tool, coaches can easily generate tailored videos for each and every exercise taking place.

Spiideo’s AutoFollow technology serves as a virtual camera operator, automatically creating useful footage by following the action as it unfolds out on the field in a match. However, on the training pitch, determining what to follow can prove challenging.

This is particularly the case for larger sessions, where multiple players are present on the training pitch at any given time, taking part in various different exercises and drills. Some players may be playing a five-a-side match on one half of the pitch, while the goalkeeping coaches work with their players in the goal at the opposite end, and another group work on their high-intensity runs along the touchline. All three of these drills are important, whether to strengthen weaknesses in a player’s game, improve physical fitness, or prepare for the next match ahead. In all cases, video footage would be abundantly useful to the players taking part.

To solve these types of use cases, Spiideo has developed Custom Area AutoFollow, which enables coaches to focus Spiideo’s game-tracking technology on specific areas of the training field. Using this new tool, coaches can easily generate tailored videos for each and every exercise taking place.

Custom Area AutoFollow: Simplifying video capture on the congested training pitch

With Custom AutoFollow coaches can essentially divide up a pitch, instructing Spiideo’s AI technology to produce tailored footage of the various training exercises taking place in a single recording. With a custom focus area selected, the technology will automatically focus on the action within that defined space and ignore anything that occurs outside of it.

For coaches in charge of large groups of players, where numerous exercises run simultaneously during a single training session, this will provide greater efficiency. In seconds, training footage can be divided up into various clips to share with coaching staff and players, imported into third-party tools, or used within Spiideo’s comprehensive analysis suite to gather insight, create presentations, and provide useful, visual feedback.

Using Spiideo’s Custom Area AutoFollow tool

From automated recording to cloud-based storage and analysis, Spiideo Perform has been designed to reduce the time it takes for sports clubs to capture, analyse, and share footage with coaches and players. With the release of Custom Area AutoFollow, Spiideo continues to improve the usefulness of footage captured by its AI-based camera setup, while further reducing the time required to utilise it effectively.

If you’re a Spiideo Perform PRO PLUS subscriber, you can now access the Custom Area AutoFollow feature by navigating to a recording in your Spiideo Perform dashboard. Just hit the ‘Download links’ button at the top of the screen and click ‘Create a new downloadable file’. Set the view to ‘Custom area’, click on the area icon, and then drag your mouse across the area of the field that you want AutoFollow to focus on. You can also specify whether to use the entire recording or select a time range to capture.

In a matter of seconds, you can define an area, confirm, and AutoFollow will handle the rest.

Custom Area AutoFollow feature is available now for Spiideo Perform PRO PLUS subscribers. Get in touch to find out more, subscribe, or upgrade your subscription.