
The new Spiideo A-Line camera: Powerful, compact and cost-effective.

Introducing the new Spiideo A-Line - the most affordable and compact addition to the world's most comprehensive sports camera portfolio, joining the ranks of the S-Line, X-Line, and Portable SmartCam, making it easier than ever to capture every moment. 

The most compact and most affordable Spiideo camera ever made

Today, video capture, replay, analysis and broadcasting solutions are commonplace in the highest levels of sport. But for those further down the pyramid, affordability continues to put the most impactful solutions out of many teams, organizations and media rights holders’ league. Instead, they must settle for systems that offer limited quality and usability.

At Spiideo, we’re determined to level the playing field and provide the entire sports industry with access to elite footage and features. As part of this mission, we’ve expanded our playbook by adding a new, cost-effective camera to our line-up of flexible sports capture technology: The Spiideo A-Line.

Lowering the bar when it comes to accessing high-quality video solutions, the new Spiideo A-Line camera system unlocks the full power of Spiideo at a cost-effective price for every level of sports.

For media companies, it offers an opportunity to scale. With a cost-effective yet premium camera solution, combined with Spiideo’s autonomous and event-driven production tools, streaming the lower tiers of sport is no longer prohibited by limited viewership and revenue. Suddenly, it’s a major investment opportunity for media rights holders that deploy Spiideo’s automated — and more affordable — camera system at scale.

For teams, it will enable limited budgets to access tools and features that were previously unavailable, and leaves the field open for existing customers to add additional cameras to their setups, delivering Spiideo’s unique seamless multi-angle capture in a single recording.


Major league performance at a minor league price tag

The new Spiideo A-Line is as much as 44% cheaper than comparable camera solutions. But lower cost doesn’t mean lower quality. Punching beyond its weight, the Spiideo A-Line gives all other AI sports capture solutions a serious run for their money.

The adjustable, weatherproof system can be fixed anywhere from three to 20 meters away from the sideline, and offers 30/25 FPS, and a 180-degree field of view, capturing a panoramic view of every action that occurs across the field of play.

Like all Spiideo camera systems, the Spiideo A-line is equipped with the industry-leading player tracking technology, AutoFollow, uniquely developed to offer AutoFollow designed for all major sports. It always keeps the focus on the most interesting area of play continuously without any human assistance, autonomously recording every moment while offering a more budget-friendly alternative. The AI-driven camera is always ready to track the action, whether scheduled in advance or from a simple push of a button in the app.


Capturing lightning-fast low latency feeds in Spiideo’s cloud-based ecosystem, all footage is instantly available within Spiideo’s suite of game-changing platforms — and accessible from anywhere.
Customers can focus time and resources on unlocking the benefits of a top-tier video capture solution by providing a reliable set of eyes on the sidelines. Coaches and analysts can pan and zoom within Spiideo Perform’s panoramic recordings to focus on particular players and deliver game-winning feedback live or post games, while media companies utilize the video in automated live broadcasts through Spiideo Play and CloudStudio, and game officials can instantly watch back replays to make the correct call without disrupting the flow of the game. All from a single camera technology.

Saving on costs no longer means compromising on capabilities. With the Spiideo A-Line, you’ll gain access to an experience matching the elite performance of Spiideo’s systems, at a more affordable price.

Lightweight in it’s footprint and price. Heavy duty in it’s capabilities.

Sample recording

Virtual Panorama and AutoFollow in the same recording

Play video to experience realistic quality