
Multi-angle autocasting for Spiideo Play

Enhanced storytelling for live sports productions

Change your perspective on automatic production

Fans want to see the puck hit the back of the net and watch game-deciding calls from up close. It’s these moments that make sports worth watching, and the right view makes all the difference.

Previously, Spiideo Play customers were limited to broadcasting a wide-angle panoramic view. Now, with the release of new essential features designed to raise the level of Spiideo’s production capabilities, users can create multiple views and effortlessly switch between them throughout an event—or let artificial intelligence call the shots in the production room.

One camera, multiple views

With Spiideo’s flexible AI cameras placed throughout a venue, users can now deploy a multi-camera setup to broadcast various angles of play. Alternatively, create multiple virtual outputs from a single camera, focusing the feed on key areas of the pitch.

Broadcasters can pitch the slider between manual production and autocasting, effortlessly switching between pre-created camera views with a single click to take control of the narrative or draft AI to lead the line using sport-specific autocasting tools.

Switching views automatically in play

AutoDirector for baseball, for instance, automatically transitions the live view from a center-field camera to the home plate with each pitch, enabling producing teams to deliver championship-caliber broadcasts without any of the legwork.

Raise your production game

These new capabilities are part of the launch of the all-new CloudStudio Next—Spiideo’s upgraded web-based and cloud-connected production studio—intricately designed to boost the visual and editorial quality of Spiideo Play productions.

With responsive widgets that adapt to the sport being broadcast and the action unfolding on the screen, it provides production teams with the tools to succeed. For instance, CloudStudio now offers two views: production mode to view the live feed and pressbox view, which allows users to move the camera freely without impacting fans’ view of the action.

These improvements hand remote staff greater license to roam the field, get creative, and put in production performances that maintain excitement from kick-off to the final buzzer.

Want to see this in action?

Learn more by rewatching the launch event ANGLES: Autocast 2.0